Invasion New Zealand 1942

Published 2018

“Invasion New Zealand1942” unerringly takes the reader back to those fearful wartime years. Kiwis had been anxiously watching the growing casualty and POW lists for loved ones in Europe and the Middle East for nearly two years. Pearl Harbour and the astoundingly rapid Japanese advance throughout Asia and the North Pacific increased local concern, as did the action of German raiders in our waters at that time. Was the country really safe? Perhaps not….

In this novel the Japanese invade and occupy an ill-prepared and poorly equipped New Zealand which has a population of only 1.6million, less the 140,000 of our fighting-age men overseas.

In occupied zones people melt away into the forests, mountains and swamps, forming resistance movements of sorts. Women step up and assume leadership roles in the makeshift guerilla groups.

Meanwhile the Government and New Zealand military forces fight a desperate holding campaign to retain unoccupied territory until help comes from overseas….

INZ42 deals with all aspects of the conflict: military, political and above all social…..from all sides. Written in short snappy vignettes, presented at a rapid pace, the book takes the reader back unerringly to those anxious times. There are many memorable characters and situations bringing humour, warmth and pathos and adding texture to the novel……

Will New Zealanders survive the onslaught?

How would you have coped?