A Wistful Legacy

First Published 2008
ISBN 978-1-877449-45-1
744 pages.

This novel shows how Nazism affected various men women and children in Europe, starting in 1918 and up to modern times. This is period of history I have always been interested in. The modern world was shaped and formed by these events in many ways.

My lead character is Liesel, a young Jewish woman growing up in Germany who unwittingly has link a direct link to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Amidst the chaos and disruption she finds lasting love, though her experiences scar her forever.

Mirroring events, the story starts slowly but rapidly becomes fast paced and moves to a crescendo as the conflict starts, surprising and ultimately overwhelming many ordinary people. It is simply written in a large font and wide line spacing that has been very favourably remarked upon. Historical accuracy has been a key point, although occasionally it becomes fictional.

Very unusually, I go inside the mind of Adolf Hitler himself as he takes Europe to the brink then over the edge into the abyss.

The book is a result of decades of historical research and meetings with various people who actually lived through this traumatic period: including some concentration camp victims, international diplomatic staff, ex-servicemen who fought in World War II and civilians caught up in the unprecedented turmoil.

Just two pointers; (a) don't read the author's note at the end until you have read the story itself. It will take some of the elements of surprise away as I explain various historical details. And (b) have some tissues available! I wrote the book and have read it hundreds of times, yet I still blink back tears at one point! It really is emotionally powerful…